Testimonial: 3 – A situation concerning a migraine headache I had, and God showing his power by my faith.

Testimonial 3

Another experience that happened in 2006. I for some reason started to obtain a migraine, not just one side of my head, it felt like it was going on on both sides of my head. It got so bad, to the point that I was dizzy, my balance was off, and I could barely see. I was walking through my kitchen at this point. So, I just immediately fell down on my knees and started praying. Going through my sequence of prayers that’s mention in message: “How do I pray to God? or How should I pray to God?”  I haven’t mentioned it yet, but, I don’t take any pills or medicine when I feel sick, I go to the Lord and/or let it wear off. If I know of any herbs or spices for that particular sickness, I’ll eat that, or take that, otherwise I take nothing. As far as this migraine, I didn’t know of any herbs or spices. So…back to the story, I’m on the floor praying. After I finished my prayers. I stood upon my feet, and immediately my whole body had this extreme desire for celery. I mean.., it was a feeling I’ve never experienced before. It was overwhelming. I was overtaking. I wasn’t thinking about celery prior to this happening, not at anytime that day. I mean, I felt like a remote control car being control by a remote control. It was so.. strong, that I had no control, because I gave up control when I kneel on my knees and prayed, I let go. I was zoned out. I, right then and there went to put on my shoes and went to the store and bought a stock of celery, and came back home, and wash it, and ate about 3 or 4 sticks of the stock. Within minutes the migraine was gone. By the time I finished eating those sticks of celery, the migraine was completely gone. Immediately after the migraine was gone, I knew that the Holy Angel(Holy Ghost) that was sent, and had overshadowed me, making me feel that way, and was driving me to fulfill that high desire for celery. Let’s back track and calculate the time frame of all of this: maybe 10 minutes of me praying on my knees, 2 minutes putting my shoes on and going to my vehicle, 15 minutes of me driving to the store to buy celery and coming back, 2 minutes of me washing the celery. 13 minutes of me eating the celery, let’s calcalate. Time calculated = 42 minutes. He healed me within that hour. After I was healed, I thought within myself, “An Angel over shadowed me and put that feeling upon me,” and that’s not the only time an angel has come upon me. About 3 months later, I decided to go and buy an herbal healing book, which displays the healing powers of herbs, spices, and vegetables. So. I was reading different about different spice and vegetables and celery came upon my mind. So I searched throughout the book and found celery in it and this is what it said below:

This book is called, “Spices to the Rescue by Hanna Kroeger”

  • Celery is both an important food and medicinal spice. It has been used in the spring as a tonic to clear out the stagnation of winter toxins. It is a mild sedative and is restorative for weak conditions.
  • Celery increases uric acid excretion. It has been used as a kidney cleanser and for the removal of urinary stones. For kidney and bladder troubles, eat celery tops after each meal for 5 weeks.
  • Celery aids in protein digestion. It increases appetite and is useful in mucous conditions. It is used in gastric troubles, colds, and coughs.
  • Celery has been found to be beneficial for respiratory ailments. Eating fresh stalks of celery after childbirth can stimulate milk production. Celery juice is very helpful for joint inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, and nervous exhaustion.

((What caught my attention was the last sentence, “Celery juice is very helpful for nervous(brain) exhaustion.” My mind seems like it’s running 150mph sometimes. Sometimes I don’t want to sleep. When things, ideas, and productivity are going so well, I’m saying in my mind, “skip sleep.” I’m working on this, and/or waiting and wondering what the Lord is gonna give or show me next.

Here are some causes of migraines that I came across on the web:

  • Although an exact cause is unknown, brain scans show that migraines may be due to “hyperactivity” in parts of the brain.
  • Physical or emotional stress , or changes in sleep patterns or irregular sleep

This is the type of migraine I had, “Vertebrobasilar migraine.” I suppose, this is what man say.

Vertebrobasilar migraines are characterized by dysfunction of the brainstem (the lower part of the brain that is responsible for automatic activities like consciousness and balance).

The symptoms of vertebrobasilar migraines include:

  • fainting as an aura,
  • vertigo (dizziness in which the environment seems to be spinning), and
  • double vision

“Here’s the reason why I don’t take medicine or pills for sicknesses”

Some might wonder why I don’t take medicine or pills, here’s the story. About 15yrs ago is when I stopped taking pills and medicine when I felt sick.  The reason for not taking pills or medicine when sick is because I had gotten a sinus cold headache and there’s these certain sinus tablets I was taken about 15 years ago. These tablets seem to be working, I thought. Actually it was an illusion of getting better. Ahh…man..these tablets helped me sleep so….good. When I woke up, I felt like a billion bucks. So I’m taking a tablet everyday. Time was going by and it was a week and half later. So…I maybe missed a day or two of taking the tablets, and all of a sudden, I felt sick just the same as the first day I took the tablet. So….I started to analyze this whole situation. Okay, these tablet was just an illusion/false blanket without helping me to heal. Basically a pain/numbing effect however long I’m on the tablet. So…I stop taking them tablets and eventually I recovered without them, but it was hard trying to cast out of my mind how good I was sleeping when I took those tablets. So…you know what happened next. I found myself taking them tablets sometimes when I wasn’t sick, just to get that fabulous sleep. So…I might have taking them about 5 times when I wasn’t sick, so I came to realize that I’m becoming addicted to these tablets. So…right then and there, I said, “Naw….I am not about to be addicted to this,” So I threw them away and from that point up until now, I haven’t taking any pills or medicine for headaches, fevers, colds, migraines, pain, or flew symptoms.