Bible Study Expo

Question and Answer

1. What is sin?
2. Who was the cause of us dying today, was it Adam or Eve?
3. Is it wrong to hold a grudge against people
4. Is Jesus coming back to dwell on this earth?
5. Where do people go when they die: heaven, hell, or the grave?
6. Why is there division/denominations amongst Christians if the bible states this in Ephesians 4: 4-6?
7. Does Satan and other evil angels work for God or do they bring forth evil on their own?
8. But if God loves us so much, why would he have evil angels working for him? To send them out to us to test our strength of character?
9. Are you more than your looks and possessions?
10. Is it a requirement to speak in tongues to receive the Holy Ghost, and obtain salvation(gain access into the Father’s Kingdom)? ref. Revelation ch.21
11. Who created the heavens, earth, stars, moon, sun, mankind, and the animals: The Father or the Son(Jesus)?
12. In the garden of Eden in the beginning, what type of fruit did Adam and Eve eat?
13. What’s nailed to the cross?
14. How many years is one day with the Lord Jesus?
15. So…when will the dead rise?
16. How long will the Great Tribulation last, “3 ½ years or 7 years”?
17. Will there ever be just one language for all people again like in Genesis 11: 6-7?
18. Is it okay for us to receive gifts in exchange for healing?
19. Part 1 of 4- How do I know that I have the spirit?
20. Part 2 of 4- The words Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, or just “spirit” could be referring to a “Holy Angel.” Note: We know that there are evil spirits as well, but I’m going to deal with the “Holy Spirit.”
21. Part 3 of 4: Spirit and Ghost could be referring to the breath of life (the air we breath)
22. Part 4 of 4: “Speaking in tongues”
23. What are the commandments? is there more than the appx. 10?
24. Where is the first place Jesus feet will touch when he make his 2nd coming?
25. What are the most common characteristics of all angels, particularly how they look?
26. Does anyone have any incite on the “Mark of the Beast?
27. What will God(Jesus) do unto those who take away from his word or add unto his word?
28. Did Moses really esteem the reproaches of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt as written in Hebrews 11: 24-26? Was Christ really back there with Moses?
29. So, if Jesus was back there with Moses, why didn’t the people of God refer to him or call on him by the name Jesus in the Old Testament?
30. What 2 individuals will be the first to be thrown into the Lake of fire, to burn and be eaten by worms forever and not be consumed?
31. Why wasn’t the son of God(Jesus) named Jehovah(his Old Testament name) when he was born of Mary? What is God the Father’s name?
32. Can a woman be a preacher or pastor?
33. It’s okay for women to prophesy and/or evangelize?
34. What is the difference between Hebrews and Jews?
35. Born of the spirit, Literally!

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